Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Other Side of Teaching

Teaching is something special and maybe it took me today to realize it.  This semester I took my "Meeting the Needs of the Diverse Learner" class.  While at the start of it I was thinking it was a waste of time and that I would never have to deal with this type of teaching.  Maybe I was just every close minded, but I think it was something I didn't even think about going into this field.
Until today I really did not have a clue of what I might be in for.  I was required to do a field experience, I had to sit in and interact with learning challenged students.  After two hours I was drained, it had taken so much out of me helping these students with homework, reading, keeping them on task that I even as tired as I was I would go back and do it the next day.  Granted it isnt the field that I plan on going into but the more help and get involved the more I fall in love with teaching.  

This being a resource room I have to come realize how important this side of teaching is how everyone going into the field has to grow and adapt, how one year is always going to be different from the rest.

This is one of very first site and video's I watched during my class.  Interesting is that while it isn't very shocking or not should it be it tells the story of a student while having many challenges to overcome all it takes is determination and the willingness for friends, family, coaches, and teachers to make all of the difference.

,This is the Teaching Diverse Learners (TDL) Web site another site link that I was introduced to during my class.  It is extremly important as well because it helps answer questions, anyone can have.  As teaches we are all going to have to adapt our teaching processes, to meet the needs or students.  We are all going to at one time have a student that is a diverse learner. We will not have all of the answers but the help is out there, we just have to be brave enough to ask for it.

~Dustin Hughson

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Mystery of History

So last night I was at work and because it was a slow night I was trying to get some of my homework done.  A coworker asked what I was reading and I showed her.  She completely turned away saying that it looks so boring and how she doesn't understand why history is import to know, because it is just that, history.

The above link is one that I have kept bookmarked ever since I decide to go back to college and become a history teacher.  It is very important to me and I hold it very close.  David Crabtree writes it is about what we can learn from history and relate it to things going on in the world and our lives today.  

Personally the writing says more then I can say here, but I look at it and think that everyone can find something useful from it.  History teacher or not.

~Dustin Hughson

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Day to Remember

Interesting enough as I was trying to think of a blog topic to post about I was reading one of my many history books for my major when I came across some interesting facts.

  • 1945 Hitler commits suicide after U.S. troops occupy Munich.
  • 1945 Mayor of Leipzig, Germany, killed himself along with his wife and daughter
  • 1945 Soviet troops enter Berlin

  • Now to most people this events may not be as important. I have truely come to realize that history and the importance of remembering the past has gone to the way side. Should we not think back and remember what we as Americans and human beings have survived? What is the meaning and importance of history and how as a future teacher of social sciences and history am I goging to have to deal and over come these issues? It does worry me, that many young adults cant even remember simple history events.

    This link says so much -

    All I know is that it is my choice to step up and do my part when I graduate, it is my passion to make my loce for the past interesting to my students. I can say that I am going to get through to all of my students but I know am I going to try, or at least I am going to make very sure that my students know to have their facts staight before they qoute historical facts.

    ~Dustin Hughson

    Friday, April 4, 2008

    My First Blog

    My name is Dustin Hughson
    This is my first blog and then it is going to turn into a extra credit for my class.